Date of uploading of N.I.T. Documents (Online): 18.12.2018
Documents download start date (Online): 18.12.2018 from 12.00 Noon
Last date of uploading Pre-bid Query: 24.12.2018 upto 4.00 P.M.
Pre- bid Meeting: 26.12.2018 at 3.00 PM
Bid proposal submission start date (Online): 28.12.2018 from 3.00 P.M.
Bid proposal Submission end date (Online): 11.01.2019 up to 04.00P.M.
Bid opening date for Technical proposal (Online): 16.01.2019 at 12.00 Noon
Date of Opening of financial bid Will be intimated later
Tender Detail: WBGEDCL invites e-tender for “Design & Engineering, Manufacture/Procurement, Testing, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 60 nos. Rooftop Grid Connected Solar PV Power Plants each of array capacity 10 kWp including five (5) years Comprehensive Maintenance on turnkey Basis in Jhargram & Purulia District.”